This Is How to Be Productive While Working From Home (WFH)

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Being productive while working from home is not easy. In fact, it can be really difficult, especially if you’re new to the lifestyle or have been working in an office environment for most of your career. If you’ve suddenly found yourself commuting to the living room for a full day of excessive coffee consumption, emails, and video calls, you’re not alone. If you’re finding it difficult to focus or be productive in a space sans coworkers or water coolers, you’re also not alone. With 3+ years of remote working experience under my belt, I know a thing or two about the WFH life, and how to be productive while living it. These 10 tips will help you maintain your work-life balance, and kick ass when you’re technically “out of the office”. 

1. Set a Schedule for Yourself

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You may have more flexibility now that you’re working from home, and it’s easy to get distracted by everything under the sun. Bedroom needs cleaning? Laundry needs doing? There’s no one looking over your shoulder, so it’s up to you to get your work done and prioritize your tasks. Make a to-do list for both work and personal tasks, determine what hours you’re going to work the day before, and stick to them. Having a set routine and a plan of action will significantly reduce distractions.

2. Define Your Office Space

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If you’re lucky enough to have a room dedicated to your home office, amazing. If you don’t, you may have to get creative. Ideally, your office is not a couch. Or a bed. Or otherwise squishy piece of furniture that will do nothing but slowly destroy your back and posture. When your home is also your office, it’s helpful to separate your physical spaces and their purposes. If where you work and where you relax is the same, the line between the two will inevitably get blurred. Get a desk, use a dining table, sit in a chair. Your back and boss will thank you for it!

3. Lay Down Ground Rules

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DO NOT DISTURB. Yes, this is a great function for your phone, but unfortunately this button doesn’t exist in real life. You may live with people that are also at home during working hours, and you can’t just switch them off. But just because you’re home does not mean you’re free to be interrupted all the time. I’ve found that family members/roommates/etc don’t always understand that! Ensure that everyone understands when you are and are not available.

4. Get Out of Your PJs, at Least Once in a While

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I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve had days where I straight up don’t leave the house, let alone get out of my sweatpants. But getting dressed as if you were going to work has a really positive psychological effect and brings an element of structure to the day. While being comfortable in your own home is obviously ideal, wearing a different outfit while you work vs when you’re relaxing helps to separate the two. When I do this, I can clearly see the difference in my productivity and overall mindset. I’m not saying you need to throw a suit on- anything that makes you feel like a normal human being will do. Looking good also means you’re more likely to go out and get some fresh air, or grab a coffee!

5. Communicate with Your Team

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You might be used to seeing your coworkers on a daily basis, and working from home could feel lonely or isolating. Thankfully, technology offers many ways to stay connected. Slack is a great instant messaging platform to use throughout the work day in lieu of emails. Conversations are organized into customizable “channels” so discussions don’t overlap, and you can even link up your Bitmoji to keep things fun and light when chatting with your team. When instant messaging isn’t enough, Google Hangouts and Zoom are perfect for voice and video calls, and when you need to collaborate on projects, Bublup is an ideal platform where colleagues can create group folders and share any kind of media type in them.

6. Put Together a Bomb Ass Playlist on Spotify

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If you’re working from home, chances are you can listen to your favorite music. If you’re really lucky and you’re working from home alone, you can go headphones-free AND sing. What a treat. Put together different playlists for different moods, as long as they motivate you and keep your energy up. If I really need to focus, I love to listen to instrumental music, like the album Dreamland by Alexis Ffrench. It can also be fun to listen to upbeat music in languages you don’t understand, like the ones in my Memories of Marseille playlist! If the task at hand is mindless, put on Spotify’s own “Songs to Sing in the Shower” playlist and don’t hold back.

7. Avoid Social Media

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Want to be counter-productive? Keep your phone visible and within reach. I’m fairly certain that the #1 distraction we all face is in fact our own phones. If possible, keep it turned upside down or in another room to avoid the temptation of checking every text message or Instagram notification. That aforementioned “Do Not Disturb” button also works wonders. If you’re as addicted to your phone as I am, you can use it to motivate yourself. If your phone is not an instrumental part of your work, use it as a reward during an upcoming break. You’ll be surprised how much you get accomplished.  

8. Take a Break

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Breaks are an essential part of any workday. There are lots of benefits, and not least of all is increased productivity! I won’t preach all of the greatness that comes from stepping away from the screen, but in case you’re interested, this Forbes article breaks it down for you! Whether you’re being a workaholic in an office cubicle or your own home, the logic stands. Get up, get moving, and give your brain a breather.

 9. Don’t Forget to Eat & Hydrate

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It’s easy to neglect your basic human needs when there’s no one else around taking a lunch break or inviting you out for a cup of coffee. Food should have a permanent spot in your daily routine. Make a meal, have a snack, and simply pour yourself a glass of water. You’ll feel better for having had a little time away from your computer, and you’ll have more energy and focus when you return. 

10. Repurpose Your Commute Time

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Remember all the time you once wasted getting to and from the office? Add it all up…and dedicate it to doing something that makes you happy. Take a bath. Watch your favorite show. Cook a new dish. Read a book. FaceTime a friend. Just make sure it’s a “feel good” hobby or activity!

Hope these tips help you in your quest to stay productive while working from home!